The IBO Referral Network facilitates US Corporate Partnerships to help online advertisers and retailers expand their ecommerce business.
We screen and refer qualified Independent Business Owner Partners (IBOP) to online advertisers & retailers giving them the ability to expand their ecommerce business through a joint venture marketing strategy.
Our Independent Business Owner Partner referrals are:

- US residents at least 21 years of age.
- Currently employed with good personal financials.
- People who have good to excellent credit scores. We only work with people who have a minimum credit score of 650 or higher.
- Individuals with good morals, high ethical standards and no criminal history.
- Individuals who are motivated to earn extra money and are "action-takers".
What's Included:
- We help set up a New C-Corporation with no previous online sales history.
- We register the URL with email addresses in the NewCo's name.
- We facilitate the opening of the NewCo's Business Bank Account (BBA).
- We provide Proprietary Business Agreements that establish the IBO Partnership under a Joint Venture Agreement.
- We thoroughly support the application cycle necessary to obtain Merchant Services for the NewCo's sales campaign.
- Unlimited MID CAP.
We take care of it all….

In order to make certain that every sale you make finds its way to your business bank account, it is crucial that you reconcile gateway activity against bank activity.
We offer this added service to help maximize your cash flow
- And keep your merchant accounts healthy.
- You will receive a daily report advising you of any problem merchant accounts
- As well as a summary of activity across all your reseller companies

Applying for a merchant account can be tedious – especially if you are a high-risk merchant. After all the paperwork is gathered, applications signed and underwriting completed, you receive an approval for your new payment processing account (YAY!), but it comes with stipulations. One being a merchant account reserve, and the questions start popping up. Are the funds held indefinitely? Why was one required on my account and not my associates in the same industry? Is there anything I can do to remove the merchant account reserve?
- These are all valid queries, and it's important to know the answers to all.
- We'll break down these questions for you and manage the reserve accounts.
- And facilitate your funds releases once you've closed your MIDs

Bookkeeping, Accounting
and Corporate Tax Filing
For the unique requirements of affiliate marketing.
- Setttlement Reconciliation
- Daily Cash Reporting
- Financial Reporting
- Tax Planning & Returns